Un outil simple pour Calculer instantanément les prix HT à partir d’un prix TTC et vice versa. à partir d’un taux de TVA que vous définissez auparavantvous pouvez soit calculer un prix Hors tax à partir d’ un prix Toute Taxe Compriseou l inverse trouver la valeur HTTC à partir d’un prix HT Possibilité de basculer facilement entre plusieurs taux de TVA .
Led Ring Light Value
Posted on March 10, 2021January 20, 2023To provide even illumination for whatever you’re shooting,with your led ring light,you need to know and save the light intensity in different situation and positions.this app provide a simple solution to get the light intensity of your led light ring ,and save it to database as a numerical values .it can works for any other light source.
Ready-to-Use Text Message ( Quick SMS )
Posted on January 30, 2021January 20, 2023Create and manage your Ready-to-Use Text Message Templates
BIOS Boot Menu
Posted on November 1, 2020January 20, 2023Enter the BIOS and BOOT Options on Any PC
Infrared Remote Control Tester
Posted on September 10, 2020January 20, 2023Check the operation of any infrared remote control unit.
Baseplate Map Compass
Posted on September 10, 2020January 20, 2023Baseplate Map Compass with adjustable declination correction scale
Sunrise and Sunset Calculator / Solar compass
Posted on September 10, 2020January 20, 2023Find Sunrise and Sunset time based on your gps coordinates
Time Duration Calculator
Posted on September 10, 2020January 20, 2023Calculate the difference between two dates
Droid Secret Codes
Posted on September 10, 2020January 20, 2023Store and manage your USSD & android Secret Codes (Secret code) mobile
Anonymous Call Hide your caller id
Posted on September 10, 2020January 20, 2023Hide your Phone number while calling,And keep your number private